Saturday, March 29, 2008

Majestic Pianist and Humbled Dancer

Friday night, I watched Cecil Licad do magic on the black and white keys of a grand piano. Karla and I were only supposed to peek at the performance from the wings. But we were given free tickets. So, we decided to watch and, before taking our seats, to still peek from the wings. From the proscenium, we peeked and remained there 'til the end of her magnificent program.

These were the images framed in my mind as the music resounded at the CCP Main Theater:
  • a shepherd slaying dragons
  • the shepherd claiming his princess
  • a grand Wedding and Coronation Ball
  • a husband entering his wife for the first time to their climax
  • a "The Notebook" kind of ending where lovers reach the prime of their lives and follow each other to the heavens
  • I saw myself on a grand journey
  • Glory
  • Funny cows on a field and a shower of milk
After, Karla had a photo taken with Licad while I was caught in a frenzy. A man saw me and was instantly overcome with praise for Latin Heat, my performance and the company. These are moments I live for, when the hard work proves to be worth it.

I didn't plan on watching Licad that night. It was a spontaneous affair involving a majestic pianist and a humbled dancer.

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