Sunday, May 18, 2008

Win or Lose

I always believed in the phrase "try and try until you succeed." In some instances, reality creeps in and reveals that one may not succeed. And defeat has to be accepted. Hard work does not always beget great rewards and the circumstances that surround play an enormous role in a person's triumphs. I am not downplaying the importance and value of hard work and integrity. I am merely stating that sometimes, despite all efforts, the battle may be lost.

I am in a battle right now where the circumstances are not in my favor. I knew this from the get go and have fought against the odds. Several triumphs and one major defeat later, I am at a cross roads. Other avenues are opening up where I can see rewards lined up (of course not without their own battles) that tempt me to re-evaluate the road I have chosen to take. Both roads, staying and leaving, offer their own benefits and risks.

I have one week to decide my fate. It is a decision only I can make. There is no right or wrong choice. Just one choice. After that, there is no turning back. Win or lose.

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