Monday, November 20, 2006


My rehearsal this afternoon was cancelled due to the Manny Pacquiao game. He won in just three rounds via a TKO to prevail in their third match-up. That's 3 rounds, 3 Knock-outs on their 3rd game. 3-3-3.

Wow! Sometimes I amaze myself with the things I am able to see. I didn't think about that triple rarity until I was writing about it. Am I this keen about the things that happen around me? I'd like to think so, but the truth of the matter is I'm not. I choose to see the things I see. The same applies for everyone.

This week I had the pleasure of interacting with so many people from past friendships to new-found friends, from old schoolmates to current peers, from erstwhile students to future c0-collaborators and more. It was quite a rush and a bit taxing on my part to have to shift roles with various people for a variety of meetings several times a day, but I felt fulfilled. I felt fulfilled in the sense that I am seeing the world in so many different lights, from different polar regions. I am bearing witness to life in all its forms and all its glory. This is a repository of information from which I can cull inspiration and seeds for my art. I was able to see in my own eyes and from other's eyes.

I may be tired but I can throw my punches. I can see you and I am ready for the battle.


Anonymous said...

i look at clocks and see 222. or 2022. or 2222. In one week, i went to a clinic room number 383, and another one, 353. When I got my number to wait for my turn at the hematology dept, it was 233. it used to scare me, now it amuses me. i think god is trying to remind me that he or she or it is around.

Unknown said...

yeah, the person up there has many ways of making His presence felt. or it could just be a weird coincidence.