Saturday, November 22, 2008


My brother died a year ago. Today, I showed his son two videos -- one of him cradling his son and one of him singing. My one year and three month old nephew would point at his video and say "daddy." Then, my nephew would turn to me, point, and repeat "daddy." This breaks my heart. All I can do is grin, bear it and give my nephew a hug.

P.S. I don't like posting my nephew's pictures. I never have. Somehow, I still feel it's JR's job. But I will break my rule. This is Enoch and I about six months ago. One of my fave pics.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Unexpected Song

Today, on my way to work, I caught myself singing a unique melody to myself. Out of the blue the notes came to me and burst forth from happiness.

"Now, no matter where I am
No matter what I do
I see your face appearing
Like an unexpected song
An unexpected song
That only we are hearing"
- Unexpected Song by Andrew Lloyd Webber